urban solutions

About Us
kl:kk is the short form for “Kia Lai Kia Ker”, or “Walking Everywhere” in colloquial Singlish. It’s pronounced as “Click”, which is also the sound of traditional manual counting using clickers.
“Click” is also sometimes used as a unit of distance measurement in kilometres.
kl:kk was founded in February 2012, the founders foresaw the potential of walking and cycling as alternative modes of transportation in Singapore. They felt that gathering data related to active mobility would greatly enhance future planning and design for such facilities. Hence Big Data for Active Mobility was the focus.
kl:kk attained sole distributorship for Eco Counter products in March 2012, and secured its first major project at Gardens By the Bay with 9 PYRO Box counters since July 2012.
Since 2012, the Singapore government has taken big quantum leaps in promoting active mobility. From the National Cycling Plan to promoting Walk, Cycle, Ride initiatives, kl:kk is clearly the market leader in complementing the future of how people move around.
Why Count?
Observe and Understand
Counting human/ vehicular traffic is useful for observing past and present trends. It enhances our understanding of actual ground usage patterns.
Identify Locations
We can locate areas which are under/ over-utilized, and where to best install informative and directional boards.
Urban Planning
Using the traffic data provided, routes can be better planned and designed to improve transportation network.
Data Products
The ground data we collect can be used for simulation modelling.
Comprehensive Statistics
The multitudes of data we collect assures comprehensiveness and constructiveness.